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Paul Revere created the first seal for the school.
有帮助(1) 无帮助(2) 2016-10-05
Samuel Adams and John Hancock signed the school’s Incorporation Charter.
John Quincy Adams served as secretary to the Board of Trustees.
In 1782, the Dummer school was officially incorporated as the Dummer Academy, whose graduates in this era comprised approximately 25% of the undergraduate student body at Harvard.
1908, launching great efforts to revive the Academy. As a result, Dummer Academy became stabilized, and began to again thrive as a premier New England prep school that sent over a third of its graduates to Ivy League colleges during that period。
Paul Revere created the first seal for the school.
Samuel Adams and John Hancock signed the school’s Incorporation Charter.
John Quincy Adams served as secretary to the Board of Trustees.
Theophilus Parsons , Chief Justice of Massachusetts, author of the Massachusetts Constitution, author of Bill Of Right
Eliphalet Pearson , first headmaster of Phillips Academy Andover, interim President of Harvard University, 1804-1806
Samuel Phillips, Jr. , founder of Phillips Andover
Samuel Sewall (congressman) , U.S. congressman, Chief Justice of Massachusetts
Rufus King , delegate to Constitutional Convention, United States Senator and 1816 Federalist candidate for President,signer of The Constitution
Captain Edward Preble, commander of the US Navy
Samuel Osgood , first U.S. Postmaster; first President of City Bank of New York
Tobias Lear , personal secretary to George Washington
Joseph Willard, President of Harvard University
Samuel Webber, President of Harvard University
Parker Cleveland, known as the "Father of American Mineralogy"
Yu Kil-chun, Korean reformist and the first Korean to study in the West, entered the school
William Summer Johnson , professor of chemistry at Stanford who was awarded the National Medal of Science
Benjamin A. Smith II , U.S. senator from Massachusetts, 1960-62
Steve Bucknall , professional basketball player, LA Lakers
Alexandra Carpenter ), Olympic women's hockey player
Michael Mulligan President of Thacher School
Michael Stonebraker Receiver of ACM A.M. Turing Award
Frank Crowe , civil engineer and dam builder (Hoover Dam, Shasta Dam)
Benjamin Perley Poore, journalist, newspaper editor and founder of the Gridiron Club
以上内容从维基百科 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Governor's_Academy 和 学校官网http://www.thegovernorsacademy.org 不完全整理。恕不翻译为中文。
TS -
匿名用户5 / 5
有帮助(15) 无帮助(0) 2016-09-14
因為各種原因聚集了曾在andover,choate,exter 等學校教書的很多好老師,老師好到爆。學術超讚
cross country跑道好美
同學腳出了一點小問題,health center老師就特別認真,給了一堆藥。感覺這方面做得很好。
學校本地學生較多,大多數都是麻州和new hamshire 的學生。個人認為這個很不科學,
TS -
融尚南希伙伴·Nancy老师5 / 5
1. 有传统和底蕴的学校怎么都不会差:作为全美持续运营时间最久的私立寄宿中学,The Governor’s有着光辉的历史,曾经一度包揽哈佛四分之一的生源,梦想上藤校的家庭把他作为教育首选;20世纪初Andover等新秀崛起后江湖地位有所动摇,但是经过Dr. Charles Ingham校长多年的努力后又实现了中兴,三分之一毕业生进藤校,培养出了无数教育家,学者和政治家。目前学校处于平稳发展中,虽今非昔比,但荣光依旧。校友中名人无数,包括Andover创始人和第一任校长还有哈佛两任校长。
有帮助(12) 无帮助(0) 2016-07-15
2. 集正直、领导力和普世教育情怀为一身的州长:学校是大家遵循William Dummer州长遗嘱建立的。要想了解州长中学就一定先了解这位州长:William出身于一个显赫的家族,在麻州还处于殖民时期时担任副州长和代州长多年。整个家庭都热衷教育,弟弟是耶鲁大学前身College of New Haven的主要捐助人,并曾经任职校长;他本人是哈佛的早期管理者。William还是一位强有力的领袖,多次击退法国和印第安人的袭击( Dummer's War),引领麻州度过艰难时期。我想,学校舍己为人的校训,扎实稳健的校风和这位州长不无关系。
3. 体育和表演艺术项目突出:学校曲棍球足球篮球等项目经常获得ISL冠军,拥有多支地区性体育强队;艺术方面,表演艺术尤为突出,拥有专门的表演艺术中心,内设剧场,在麻州私立中学艺术比赛中获奖数量最多。
4. 维持较低的国际生比例:负责国际招生的Chris强调学校在接下来的招生工作中会刻意维持较低的国际生比例。近年来每年录取2个中国学生人数,竞争十分激烈,难度大为提升。 -
新东方前途出国廉老师5 / 5
Governor是全美历史最悠久的寄宿高中之一, 位于Boston的Andover市附近,和和著名的Philips Academy Andover在一个地方,但在学术上显得比较逊色,近几年的大学走向并不亮眼。离Atlantic Ocean仅有4英里。88%老师在校园内居住,安全指数极高。
有帮助(7) 无帮助(0) 2016-07-11
Governor最最需要提到的就是她出色的艺术课程了。Governor的学生在艺术的各个领域都很活跃。学校的舞蹈,戏剧,绘画几乎每年都要为Governor赢得许多全国性的大奖。学校有专门的visual and performing arts, as well as state-of-the-art library, computer centers, labs, student center and dining hall。其次,学校在可持续发展,绿色环保领域有着自己的建树,09年在GREEN CUP的比赛中获得了第一名。
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