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选Offer 比较喜欢理科和商科,喜欢更包容一点的学校(学生对不同种族不排斥)。这两个学校怎么选(重点看学术和升学方面,别的问题不大),今年waitinglist的这些学校有机会转正吗? ( 8个offer )
FS用户 通过网站提问于2024-03-11 19:03:09
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Elite精英留学 | Agnes老师 通过 网站 回答于2023-11-30 10:30:41 |
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关于托福拼分这个事情,我跟很多的学生和家长也都做过详细的剖析,其实这个问题不用过多去纠结,原因很简单,因为美国高中的招办团队在选拔学生的时候,采用的都是Holistic Admissions Review的选拔模式,而不是单一地看一个托福的总分,从高要到低那么简单,要是那么简单的话,的确有商榷托福是否可以拼分的必要性,但是游戏规则不是这样的,我给您举个例子,比如美国顶级寄宿高中Hotchkiss School,关于“学校在选拔学生的时候重点考察的参数是哪个”这个热门话题,学校给出了官方的回复如下: The admission committee considers each part of your application equally. Without question, we seek to enroll students who show extraordinary character, independence, and good citizenship. These qualities are the hallmark of a Hotchkiss student. Given the highly competitive nature of our admission process, the majority of new students each year have grades in the A range, excellent teacher recommendations, strong writing skills, and some sort of school or community involvement. Standardized testing is used to support the other academic materials in the application. Rest assured that each application is read and discussed by several members of the admission committee — and that we look closely at every element of the application to understand the student's strengths and personality. 通过学校的这个回复,不难看出,学校要考察的参数是很多的,而且这些参数也会来反推,比如就算孩子托福拼分高了,但是孩子的英文实操能力其实在招办团队审核孩子的文书和给孩子进行面试的时候, 学校已经有了很好地判断孩子的英文实操能力,所以就算你best score拼出来的分数,招办老师也只是参考,因为他们还可以从别的维度来评估你的英文能力。包括去年12年我在美国访校的时候,跟Groton的招办主任也进行了访谈,针对标化成绩在众多考察参数中的分量和他们审核材料看参数的先后顺序,Groton School招办的回复是他们为了避免戴上“有色眼镜”,都是最后才看学生的标化成绩的,因为你的英文怎么样,面试的时候你张嘴就知道了,不用刻意去看你的标化成绩多高。 通过以上回复,相信应该清楚了,标化考试成绩不是录取的唯一参数,所以不用过多纠结是best score还是单次考出来的分值,因为招办不只看这一个参数,目前您需要考量的是除了标化努力考高以外,还从哪些维度可以提升孩子的综合竞争力,双管齐下,提升孩子整体的综合竞争力。 希望以上解答能够对你有所帮助,祝顺利!
BrothersEdu创始人卢可老师 通过 网站 回答于2024-01-19 14:20:44 |
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1. 1梯队,St Mark+Taft,信息目前不好讲,没有体育艺术特长,单纯拼学术,有一定风险。不知道其他活动等是否具备竞争力。 2. NMH可能会容易一些,女生会比男生容易一些。 3. 三梯队问题不大。 谢谢。
美高小寒工作室: TOP美高美本申请 通过 网站 回答于2023-11-29 09:31:11 |
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您好,Thacher school没有IB课程,学校有自己的课程。课程详情可以参考链接:https://www.thacher.org/academics/curriculum-and-course-catalog
Elite精英留学 | Agnes老师 通过 网站 回答于2023-08-03 19:09:03 |
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Elite精英留学 | Agnes老师 通过 网站 回答于2023-07-14 19:06:39 |
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别犹豫,该提交。 第一,单说SSAT成绩,2310分还是不错的,申请这些学校——即便”顶级“,也并非非得满分才行。你在后续的面试、文书环境,以及你的课外活动都能充分展示、并补充这个。因此,不必投鼠忌器。 第二,许多顶级美高,明确要去SSAT。我逐家统计过,FS的T30、A+级美高,约20%必须要SSAT或ISEE。没有——是不给申请的。 第三,即便有的说test optional,也别会错意、信以为真。只是他们真实的意思依然是——”严重推荐“,strongly recommended 或 encouraged。因此,千万别被表象迷惑,真就TEST OPTIONAL啦(过几天我会给出一家家美高的仔细分析,看看到底这optional是真的否)。 第四,今年申请,美国已经大致正常。绝大多数人都有,你为什么没有? 以下,是顶尖美高格罗顿中学招办的公开说明,望你认真阅读、仔细揣摩、深刻领会(链接:https://www.groton.org/admission/how-to-apply): Groton School requires applicants to submit standardized test results. For entry in 2021 and 2022, this requirement was suspended because of health concerns at testing sites. Standardized test results are one of many factors that help admission offices determine whether or not a school is a good fit for an applicant. Transcripts, recommendations, test results, and the Candidate Statement are all important in assessing an application. Without test results, great applicants may be overlooked. When admission counselors are unfamiliar with an applicant's school, test results help to contextualize an application. Testing helps us fulfill one of our primary objectives: enrolling a diverse and talented student body. Some see standardized testing as a barrier preventing access to a great education. We see testing as a means to overcome barriers such as incomplete recommendations and grade inflation. Standardized testing helps applicants from many different backgrounds become students at Groton School. Through the years, the majority of admitted applicants have submitted test scores that are quite strong, but this is certainly not true for everyone. Test scores are evaluated with consideration of each applicant's educational background. They are only one of many factors considered in an application to Groton.
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Elite精英留学 | Agnes老师 通过 网站 回答于2023-01-31 11:05:41 |
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