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托福需要继续往上刷,目前的分数不是特别有竞争力,另外就是你的特长和爱好需要进一步地深度挖掘出来,想一下如何在文书和面试上好好体现出来,st albans重点看的是ssat成绩,所以ssat也需要再往上拔高,我之前被该校录取的学生,ssat的平均分是95%,希望可以帮到你
BrothersEdu创始人卢可老师 通过 网站 回答于2017-01-05 19:08:58 |
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Percentage of boarding is approximately 5%. In general, the 79 members of the class of 2015 applied to 184 different colleges and received a total of 304 acceptances; 49 schools were represented among their final matriculation plans. Colleges include University of Chicago, Harvard College, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Dartmouth College, Columbia University, and others. The School has three orchestras, and are primarily performance-based, in the pursuit of performances held throughout the year. Orchestra members may have a wide variety of experience, but all should be able to play their instruments well enough that rehearsals are focused on ensemble skills (playing together in time and in tune, adjusting balance and establishing style) rather than individual skills (knowing fingerings, proper posture and hand position, tone production, reading music/rhythms). For the Lower School Orchestra, a student who can play relatively simple melodies with good rhythm and pitch is well suited to the group. AT Pomfret School, the percentage of boarding at is approximately 75%.
Ace Academy Debbie Hung 老師 通过 网站 回答于2016-10-22 09:10:23 |
选Offer 理科强,初中数学竞赛国内奖项,性格内敛,面试不强。 ( 2个offer )
FS用户 通过网站提问于2015-03-12 17:41:00
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1、毕业走向良好,如上面达康之父所述。 2、学术好,运动强,21个美国总统奖学金获得者。 3、很多学生有显赫的家庭背景和社会关系。 4、相对于学生的个人发展而言,学校更加关注学术,在这样的环境里,学霸更受尊重,能力平平的学生容易被忽视。 5、适合的学生除上述第三点外,还需要有平和的心态、适应竞争环境的能力,良好的学习能力和情绪管理能力。
Mishell老师-北京 通过 网站 回答于2015-02-12 17:34:09 |
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