最佳回答小汤老师 中级顾问家长您好!
1. 美初在读学生,我今年有几个美初在读学生委托我申请美高的。GPA,推荐信,都是很不错的!
2. 国内一线城市国际学校在读学生,他们的标化,英语水平,家长的提前规划,都是很棒的!
美高未必越好的学校越适合您的小孩子,有兴趣的话可以加我微信聊一聊 -
Yes. That is possible but you need the following apart from the extracurricular activity:
1) Good grades
2) Good test scores
3) Good interview
4) Good essays
For example, my son got into PEA but he only started on the saxophone in G6, so he was only a beginner when he applied to the school. My daughter was a beginner in photography, but Milton could see her passion in this and accepted her.