官方回答Molly Averitt Boarding Recruiter 寄宿招生官回答于01/06/2016译文:非常感谢您对Hockaday的兴趣。我们没有托福和SSAT的最低录取分数线。但是Hockaday是一所很强的学校每年都有很多非常有竞争力的孩子,托福80以上加上高于平均值的SSAT分数。希望有帮助。原文:Thank you for your interest in The Hockaday School. We do not have minimum required TOEFL and SSAT scores. However, I will tell you that Hockaday is a strong school and competitive applicants often receive 80 or higher on their TOEFL scores and above average SSAT scores. I hope this is helpful information.