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FS小编 通过 网站 提问于2015-12-01 23:45:00
  • 回答于12/10/2015

    比如斯坦福大学:Restrictive Early Action Policy REA的要求:
    --Applicants agree not to apply to any other private college/university under an Early Action, Restrictive Early Action, Early Decision or Early Notification program.
    --Applicants may apply to other colleges and universities under their Regular Decision option.

    Exceptions 例外:
    The student may apply to any college/university with early deadlines for scholarships or special academic programs as long as the decision is non-binding.
    The student may apply to any public college/university with a non-binding early application option.
    The student may apply to any college/university with a non-binding rolling admission process.
    The student may apply to any foreign college/university on any application schedule.
  • 许轶老师 中级顾问
    提前行动(EA)有非限定性提前行动(NEA,Non-restrictive EA)、限制提前行动(REA, Restrictive EA)和单一提前行动(SCEA,Single-choice EA)。非限定性提前行动就是最宽松的一种。即使申请到了也可以不去,而且可以和其他限定性提前行动(REA)、提前录取(ED)同时申请。而限制提前行动(REA)则是说虽然你申请到了可以不去,但申请者只能提前申请这一所学校,连提前录取(ED)都不能再申请。
  • FS小编 读者
    @南京欣妈:EA是提前申请,可以申ED一所 EA几所。
  • 回答于12/02/2015
  • 航海图Jean 中级顾问
    此乃申本相关的. 不是申高的. 看不懂的不要恐慌, 三年后再学习也来得及.
  • 回答于12/02/2015
    这个问题高中家长接触尚早,不过提前了解一下也是不错的。EA是早申请,early application,会早拿到录取结果,拿到后可以再做选择;Restrictive EA(REA)归属于EA轮次,它的截止时间和EA一致的,只是REA项目的学校对于学生申请细节有要求。
