准备去读10年级,时间紧未考托福,之前找了几个中介觉得帮不了什么,决定自己弄。选了几个档次的,感觉竞争不那么大,学费五万以内的学校。请大家看看是否合适以及机会大不大? 孩子文科强点,英语很好,口语流利,目前托福模考大约在70分,打算培训后一月份再考。如果有专业的顾问,收费合理,比如按每个学校以及具体服务明细收费,也可以考虑。(感觉每个学校要求和表格都不一样,挺繁琐的)
第一档 Indian Springs或Saint James或Westover
第二档 Baylor,Saint John's Prep
第三档 Garrison Forest和St. Croix Lutheran(这个学校已经见过面,基本通过)。
我觉得您可以考虑一下走读,托福50~70之间的分数申请寄宿非常难受。因为寄宿学校要托福主要是看是否需要offer ESL。托福分数要求在这个档次的普遍中国学生多,因为他们需要 提供英语能力,而这几年出国的学生毕竟一考就上90、100的不多。
I think it's important for your child to improve on the English standard because a 70 in TOEFL is borderline for admissions to good schools. Having said that, there are quite a few good schools, perhaps not well known who offers very good academic and ESL programs. The key is to do well in terms of learning how to learn during the high school years so your child will matriculate to a good university which is much more important.