-- 同一所学校的8年级一般要比9年级要更容易拿到录取,9年级竞争非常激烈;
-- 据我所知所有有8到12年级的中学,从8年级升到9年级都是自动升学的,不用另外申请和考试。所以,来读8年级是进入满意学校的一个捷径;
-- 本来计划9升9的,可以改为8升8这样更合理。
-- 申请大学时要提供9年级和以后的成绩单的,8年级的成绩单申请大学是不需要的。这样来读8年级把适应期放到了8年级,即使刚来美国有适应期成绩出现波动,也无关大局。
希望能帮到您。 -
我原来所在学校曾经招过一位大陆来的留学生读8年级的。全年级近60名学生,只他一人是留学生。可能是出于好奇,得到很多美国同学的关心与帮助。 -
Most of the students from China are good students with decent grades and the most common reason why a student wants to repeat a grade is because of poor English skills which impedes the progression. Depending on the student's academic records, it may not necessarily mean it will be easier to repeat a grade rather than to ascend a grade. If your child's academic background is solid, I will not agree it's better to try 8 to 8 and if not successful, try 9 to 9. On the contrary, your child should try to ascend a grade and if somehow the result is not as you expected, i.e. rejection or waitlist, then you try to repeat the grade.
Repeating the grade obviously may result in negative psychological effects on your child (as no one likes to repeat a grade) but if your child is young for his age relative to the same class, it may not be a bad decision to repeat especially if your child needs the additional year to improve English. -
先考个TOEFL 成绩,如果<75分,真心需要等具备足够的语言能力才行的。美国高中的学习绝不像当初想象的如此简单。出来前,家长要做足够的功课。http://www.boardingschools.com和http://www.boardingschoolreview.com有足够的信息,可以让家长足够强大,信息量足够您才能和中介“平等”对话。