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女孩准备申请8升9,目前托福81分,SSAT1959,12月6日托福还有一次,准备冲一下更好的分数。孩子的SSAT分数不好,要申请好的寄宿学校很困难,女儿的想法是与其去一般的寄宿学校还不如去好的走读学校。想去东北部或佛罗里达州的走读学校:Brimmer&May School, Boston University Academy, Watkinson School.这样的分数有希望吗?如果可以请帮忙推荐几所,谢谢!还有中介的意思是如果不是他们熟悉的学校,孩子去美国后的寄宿问题会很难解决。这如何解决?

lyzzy 通过 网站 提问于2014-11-28 11:12:00
  • 小汤老师 中级顾问
  • 回答于11/30/2014
    Unfortunately low TOEFL and SSAT scores are an indication of the English level which U.S. schools are most concerned with. And especially if your daughter's English needs help, she should really consider attending a boarding school so that she is immersed with English speaking friends and environment which is much more beneficial than if she goes as a day student. There are very good schools in the New England area which offers ESL courses for good students but need help with English. You may want to research and consider those schools.
  • 回答于11/30/2014
    Unfortunately low TOEFL and SSAT scores are an indication of the English level which U.S. schools are most concerned with. And especially if your daughter's English needs help, she should really consider attending a boarding school so that she is immersed with English speaking friends and environment which is much more beneficial than if she goes as a day student. There are very good schools in the New England area which offers ESL courses for good students but need help with English. You may want to research and consider those schools.
  • 回答于11/29/2014
    您好!除了BU Academy,其他的不了解。东北部有不少走读学校,您孩子目前的分数可以有更多选择。如果想了解更多学校信息,可以私信一下选校的要求和孩子多些细节信息
  • 北京孙老师 中级顾问
    Boston University Academy 最低95 而且还对单项小分有要求,同时最好还的家长陪读。
  • 回答于11/29/2014
    美国走读学校很多,bu academy 航老师已经回答了,其他也不熟悉。但有一点,走读学校寄宿家庭跟学校同等重要。对在美国的教育机构来说, 也是要花很多时间精力来安排和管理。
  • 航海图Jean 中级顾问
    别的不知道, BU Academy肯定不够.

