All the schools you have identified are very good schools which generally expect their applicants to score at least 100 on TOFEL and high 2200 in SSAT. However, the test scores are considered in addition to your child's academic grades and other extra curricular activities. Different schools have interest for students with different background and it is good your child is strong in mathematics. You may want to research the school's academic environment to see if they are beneficial for your child.
翻译:你上面所举的学校全都是顶尖名校。意思是说,他们的最低要求是100 的TOEFL成绩还有起码2200分SSAT。但是这些成绩只是其中一项要素,还要考虑孩子其他的校内成绩和课外活动。不同学校会对不同背景的学生感兴趣。要是你孩子数学,这个很好。你可以去找一找学校的学术环境,看看会不会对你的孩子有利。 -
我是许博伦,毕业于Tabor Academy,现就读于美国康奈尔大学,并且是来自Leap立普尔美国高中长期辅导项目的导师,很高兴能为您解答。
-许博伦 Roy Xu