我儿子现在9年级,拟申请明年9年级,现就读北京一著名中学实验班。8月份已考托福95分,还会再考一次,上100分可能性很大。目前正在攻克SSAT,预计2200以上问题不大。性格较为内向,艺术体育项目不是很突出,但会visual art,可以使用Flash, photoshop, illustrator等工具独立制作艺术作品(比如动画)。主要特点为喜欢computer programming, 可以独立使用java等语言编程和制作网页等。孩子希望大学主修computer science,不知道哪些中学在这方面(computer programming/science)有独特优势,并能有机会进入那些computer science牛校。非常感谢。
Repeating the grade may not be a bad idea especially if your child's English standard needs improvement. Most higher quality U.S. high schools would like to see applicants with at least 100 (should be 100 ) points on their TOFEL and 2200 on SSAT. It is good that your child has interest and competency in visual arts and computer science which is quite common among U.S. students nowadays and should not be interpreted as special skills. U.S. high schools have extensive computing program course for their students eventual entrance to college. You should research and identify the high schools who matriculate their students to colleges that specialize in computing.
翻译:假若你的孩子英文程度需要提高,重读不是一个坏主意。很多高质的美国高中想见到申请人起码有100分以上的托福成绩和2200 SSAT成绩。你的孩子对visual arts and computer science 有研究这是很好。但现在这些技巧在美国巳经很普遍。不需要写成是特别技巧。美国高中有很多深入的电脑课程帮学生预备大学课程。你可以去找一找那些高中会保送主修电脑科学的学生上大学。