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请问有了解女校的吗? 能说说读女校的利弊吗?

kk 通过 网站 提问于2013-09-28 15:20:00
  • 回答于09/29/2013
  • 航海图Jean 中级顾问
  • 美国早期的时候single-sex的学校很多,后来随着观念的转变更多的家庭愿意把孩子送去合校,但是进来又开始越来越多的希望把女儿送去女校。我认为女校最多的好处是能够built女孩儿的自信和更多的leadership的机会,我认识的很多女校后来转入合校的女孩儿都非常的strong。但是有个前提她自己一定要愿意,否则在一个不喜欢的环境里生活四年很苦恼。
  • 回答于09/29/2013
    The general belief is that the girls in girl schools are not nice to each other as they are jealous and catty. This may not be true. I was just at Miss Porter's two weeks ago and the school invited me to sit in one of the classes. All the girls are very polite to each other and take turns in answering questions. I was also told by the student who took me around that the girls interact well with each other and are nice to each other.
    Both girls schools and co-ed schools have their own merits, and it depends on the character of your daughter where she should go. At a girls school your daughter will be working with only girls, but still have the opportunity to meet a lot of boys at out of school activities. In a co-ed school, your daughter will have more opportunity to socialize and interact with boys.
  • 回答于09/29/2013
    Yes, I initially think so. But without talking with your child, it is difficult to tell. One of the most important things is that she wants to go to a girl school. If she doesn't then don't force her as she may not do well, being in a school that she doesn't want to be at may not be beneficial for her academics.
  • 回答于10/01/2013
  • 回答于10/02/2013
    之前有一个非常类似的问题,也是有关比较女校和综合学校的比较,“女校与综合学有什么区别,各自的优势和劣势优势什么?” http://www.findingschool.net/answers/993
  • 进进老师 中级顾问
    单性别学校的存在有很多合理性。我读过“ why gender matters" 和 "boys and girls learn differently",给出的理由太多了。也可以参考全美女校联盟的研究成果: http://www.ncgs.org/CaseForGirls.aspx
