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我亲戚家小孩现在13岁,一直在家上课,属于HOME SCHOOL类型吧,比较聪明,已经学到了八年级的课程,爱好也比较广泛,想申请美国9年级,请问可以申请到什么类型的学校呢?

孙老师 通过 网站 提问于2013-08-08 16:24:00
  • 回答于08/09/2013
    我們建議學生先考模擬SSAT, 測試一下自己的水平. 學生缺少了學校成績, 在標准化考試就更要表現出自己的能力了。
  • 回答于08/10/2013
    在美国,home school 现在也越来越多,美国高中每年也都会接受一些home school 的学生, 需要有好的解释为什么选择home school 和以前学的知识可以胜任美国9年级。SSAT 和 托福还是需要考的。
  • 回答于08/09/2013
    I know a homeschool student who got into PEA 2 years ago. He has adjusted well and is doing well academically there.

    My suggestion is that since your child has been homeschooled, perhaps you should consider the following:
    1) I suggest your child go to boarding school (not homestay) so that he will learn more social skills and how to interact with other students.
    2) Find a school that is nurturing and understands what a student has to go through adjusting to boarding school life.
    3) Talk to the schools when you are interviewing to find out more about how they help the child adjust to school life.
  • 回答于08/09/2013
    Thank you very much.
