My apologies for the short answer yesterday. I am traveling and my wifi got cut off so I didn't finish my reply. There are still good schools accepting students for G8 in September 2013 or January 2014. However, they do not want me to disclose their names. If you are interested, please let me know. dh9119@biznetvigator.com
Both options are okay. If you want to go in G8 in September 2013, you need to write to me at dh9119@biznetvigator.com. -
I am sorry but I do not agree with your child. The school your child will be applying to (if it is one of the better ones) will want to know why he/she took a year off, and will frown on the fact that he is taking a gap year. They need the latest grades and will want to know the extracurricular activities that makes your child a well-rounded person.
You have a few options:
1) Keep on studying in school and learn English outside of school. Then apply to go in September 2014 for G9.
2) Try to get into a school for September 2013 or January 2014 in the US for G8. After a year, transfer to a school that is of a higher level. There are still reasonably good school (top 50) that will take students for September 2013 and January 2014.
3) Go to a junior high school for G8, there are still some who will take students now. -
航老师说得对, 您还是应该给他找个学校读书, 一边补习英语, 一边学习9年级课程, 您申请美国高中, 还是要9年级的成绩的。来美国读书, 不单单是语言问题, 您一年不接触文化课, 直接读九年级也会很吃力的。