我今年有个学生,升到Hotchkiss,这个学生,成绩方面,托福107,SSAT 92%,但看成绩,不是最拔尖的。
随着后来给她做面试培训,和她的聊的越来越多,就越能感觉到孩子不一样。最后,孩子被录取之后,收到学校老师的一封信,也CC给我。这些好学校,真的挺会挑学生的:(硬件 软件 运气)一点都不差(面试她的老师,正好在上海待过一段时间,也知道复旦的孩子是如何优秀。)
It has been so wonderful to get to know you through the application process this year. I remember how excited I was when I got to speak with someone from 复旦附中. I miss my years in Shanghai and at 复旦 very much but speaking with you helped me understand why it is good to get experience in many different places. I remember so clearly how you told me
"My school is a very good one but you can't escape the system." You made it clear then, and you continued to make it clear in the rest of our conversations, that you were dedicated to learning as much as you could about as many things as you could and finding a way to integrate those experiences and ideas into your future. That is what impressed me most--your continued forward thinking. You knew where you had come from, and where you were, but you also know where you want to go.
I have told many people of our interview because of how impressive it was; your application showed even more depth about your own goals. The kind of passion and meticulousness that you demonstrated makes me feel that Hotchkiss is the perfect fit for someone of your intellect and personality.
希望这个可以帮到你!加油~ -
For Hotchkiss, TOEFL minimum is 100, so your child's score is good enough. For English SSAT, your child should try to get close to 90 percentile (%).
The school will not only look at the scores; they will also look at grades, extracurricular activities and how passionate your child is in what he likes to do. Most important are the essays. -
像是Hotchkiss这样顶级的学校,除了成绩,还会综合看学生的各个方面,例如你的学术成绩、课外活动以及兴趣特长。申请这些顶级的学校的学生,平均分都是T105 ,S93% ,达到了这个分数那就要看其他方面了。