5、高中学校应该有IT专业课和IT CLUB的,我儿子明年就选择了IT课上。如果学校没有此类课外活动,可以参加校外的活动和IT专业的冬、夏令营,这是我公司的服务之一。
6、我们也提供在美或在国内的高中学生的升学顾问服务,服务包括平时的学习辅导、选课、义工等社会经验的积累、课外活动的参加、冬夏令营安排、大学选择和申请等一条龙服务。协助家长和学生理解和适应美国特殊的教育体系,更好的让学生发挥和融入美国文化。 -
1. 关于孩子的兴趣与专业方向,您可以搜索一下《职业倾向性测试》,也有一些地区的人才中心能够提供纸质的测试,完成这个测试后,能够得到一些倾向性建议,有助于孩子明确自己的兴趣方向;
2. 孩子确定了自己的专业方向以后,再通过专业这个角度去挑选适合自己的学校,这也是我们所谈到的“名校未必是适合自己的学校”,孩子在挑选学校时候,要去综合专业、教授、课题、就业去向等因素,如果孩子能够在几年的大学生活中明确专业并有造诣,那么就业后找到理想的去向也就是顺理成章的事情了;
3. 在了解了自己的兴趣所在后,可以在高中阶段多参与有专业相关性的社团活动,一方面可以提前验证一下,这个专业所做的事情是否真正是自己喜欢的事儿,另一方面也可以通过更有深度的专业性社团活动,提前接触这个领域里的专家教授,这些专家们能够在社团活动中,看到孩子们的综合能力素质,为他们日后挑选学校提供一些更有针对性的建议。 -
第一步是去您孩子所在学校的指导办公室。在学校辅导人员 通常有很多非常有用的能力测试及事业发展信息。他们也可能会建议您的孩子进行一些专业测试。
•迈尔斯 - 布里格斯类型指标
此仪器是根据个性心理类型和气质。关于你的个性风格,并与其他人互动的方式等信息 。通过此信息,以帮助您了解个性和职业生涯之间的关系。
提供全方位的兴趣爱好信息,可以得知近期和长期的职业生涯规划,教育和休闲规划。拓展你在职业生涯探索和规划方面的思维。 -
3,这个问题太泛泛了。这需要指定的大学进行比较。即使许多高校同一专业有共同特点,每所大学或学院有不同的教学方法, 4,主修计算机科学或计算机工程,是一个特别的领域,高校往往更仔细地查看学生的申请。高校认识到,学术类学生在到达学校后,经常会改变其专业。然而,申请计算机专业的学生,或是计算机工程,应当展示他或她有足够的相关经验,这些经验在申请中起到积极作用。我强烈建议打算主攻计算机科学或计算机工程的学生有一些相关的经验!
Your first step is to go to guidance office at your child's school. The guidance or college counseling officer at the school usually have a lot very useful information about aptitude testings and career development. They also might suggest your child to take some professional tests as well. 2.There are some available tools for student major choice or career development. The following is what Rutgers University uses for their students in terms of careers and majors
• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator This personality instrument is based on psychological types and temperaments. It provides information about your personality style and the way that you interact with other people. This information is used to help you understand the relationship between personality and careers.
• Self-Directed Search The Self-Directed Search is a self-scored inventory that can be used to explore and identify academic and career options based upon interests and skills. -
• SkillScan The SkillScan is a card sort exercise that explores seven skill categories. It will help you to identify and label your skill sets. The card sort results can then be linked to career options. It can also assist with career development concerns, including resume writing and interviewing techniques.
• Strong Interest Inventory The Strong Interest Inventory provides information on overall patterns of interests that can be explored for both immediate and long-range career, educational and leisure planning. It is designed to expand your thinking in the areas of career exploration and planning.
3.This question is too broad to me. This requires specific universities to compare. Each university or college has different approaches even though many colleges do have common elements for a specific major. -
4.Majoring computer science or computer engineering is a special track that colleges and universities tend to look into student applications more carefully. Colleges and universities recognize that academic majors students choose would often change after they arrive the school. However, a student who applies for computer major, more so for computer engineering, should present that she or he has enough experience about computer in college applications and that experience could positively work on behalf of applicants. I strongly recommend that a student intending to major computer science or computer engineerig would have some related experience with this field before applying for this major!