It is so sad that an excellent candidate such as you did not get any offer. I am constantly hearing from top boarding schools that there are simply too many Chinese students this year, and top boarding schools are having such a hard time to pick students. Imagine that more than 200 applicants for four spots that are allocated for Chinese students. It is apparent that even students from big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are competing with other outstanding Chinese students from other areas. Also it seems that postponing one year would not help much either. All outstanding international students who are currently at junior boarding schools such as Cardigan Mountain and Fay or other top private schools who are already in USA will apply as the 10th grade next year to the schools who would offer fewer space for 10th grade.
I encourage you, if possible, to change your perspective a little. As matter of fact, it is about going to a top or selective university four years later. I suggest you to search some of excellent days schools which have the same or better record of sending its graduates to top universities. You can have some advantages even when you transfer one year later from this top day school to a top boarding school because top schools recognize other top schools' reputation and academic curriculum, and often welcome the accomplished students at other top tier schools. Start your study somewhere, complete your course there or prepare the transfer next year, but please definitely be in an environment that helps you be more competive for admission in USA, if you plan to go to a selective university later.
像你这样出色的申请者没有得到满意的录取真是令人沮丧。我时常听到顶尖寄宿学校校方他们说今年中国学生太多了,也在很辛苦地选择学生。超过200多名的申请者分派给四个地区。很明显,从北京上海等大城市来的学生也与其他地区优秀学生竞争。如此看来,推迟一年入学没有太大的帮助。包括目前已经在美国读书的优秀国际学生,他们也将会参与到申请如Cardigan Mountain 和Fay这样的一流寄宿中学的竞争中来。况且学校10年级的空位本来就非常少的。
我鼓励你改变一下自己的观点。事实上,4年以后你的目标是顶尖或是重点大学。我建议你寻找一些不错的日校,在名校入学率方面战绩不俗的日校。即便是一年以后你从这样日校转到顶尖寄宿学校的话,也是有一定优势的。原因在于好的学校认可其他同等水平学校的口碑和学术质量。愿意接受其他同类校的学生。尽快开始在美国学校,同时考虑一年后的转校,请记住一定要进入一所为将来申请重点大学有益的中学读书。 -