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请问老师们,在文理学院转学学分评估一栏,"Credit is granted only for courses in the liberal arts“里 the liberal arts作通识解而不做文科解吧?就是一些理科学分也算数?

凡师傅 通过 网站 提问于2023-09-21 20:48:33
  • 最佳回答
    庄稼把式 中级顾问
    Liberal arts courses are divided into three categories: humanities; natural sciences and mathematics;
    and the social sciences.
    HUMANITIES: The humanities include the following disciplines.
    Art Foreign Languages
    Art History Literature
    Communication Studies Music
    Creative Studies Philosophy
    Dance Religious Studies
    English Theater
    Film Studies
    NATURAL SCIENCES & MATHEMATICS: This division includes the following disciplines.
    Archeology Chemistry
    Astronomy Geography
    Biology Physics
    Botany Zoology
    SOCIAL SCIENCES: The social sciences include the following disciplines.
    Criminal Justice Political Science
    Economics Psychology
    History Rehabilitation Services
    Human Services Sociology
  • 回答于09/27/2023
    Liberal Arts包括Math,Science(生物、物理、化学),English,Arts,Social Sciences,World Language/Literature
  • 回答于09/26/2023

    我们申请美本时,除了大U,还有一类叫文理学院,比如Pomona。这个Liberal Arts就是文理的意思。

    UC系统里,liberal arts是数学、自然科学、文学、社会科学、美术和哲学都包含在内。
    有的学校,例如我们学校Georgetown,我们有本科专业叫arts in liberal studies, 这种包含文化、人文、自然科学、哲学、社会科学和写作的,是文科专业。

  • 回答于09/25/2023
    是通识的基础学科,一般你参考大学里面的arts and science department就可以了。
  • 7edu-Dr. Jing 中级顾问
    “The academic liberal arts include subjects such as literature, philosophy, mathematics, and social and physical sciences as distinct from professional and technical subjects.” 借花献佛。

  • 回答于09/22/2023

    通常情况下,Liberal Arts 课程包含的范围很广,有人文,自然科学,数学以及社会科学,但需要根据你所在的学校,查看学校的课程分类,是有哪些课程划在liberal arts 下面的。

