托福成绩:- | SSAT成绩:- | 当前年级:- | 申请年级:- | 面试:- |
官方回答Samantha Romero Director of Marketing回答于05/01/2023The Woodstock Academy has an excellent academic reputation. We offer so many advanced (AP college level) courses that many of our students graduate with enough college credits to enter university as sophomores. International students from 2020-2023 have been accepted to Harvard University, Columbia University, MIT, Yale University, Brown University, Rhode Island School of Design, and more. We are located just 1 hour from Boston and 3 hours from New York, which allows our students to easily visit some of the most prestigious universities in America. Our campus is extremely safe, in a secure, calm, serene country setting. Ten percent of our students are international students, and we also have boarding students from all over the United States. I hope you'll consider our school. If you have any further questions, please email admissions@woodstockacademy.org. Thank you!
我在德州教过五年高中,向你推荐一下德克萨斯主教中学,它比较适合于来自工薪家庭的孩子。德州的学校对学业相对比较重视,每年上课的天数都要多一些,而且只要学业成绩好申请德州公立大学机会相当不错,还可以享受本州学费待遇。这样一来,大学学费每年可省 2600 美元以上。
如果喜欢IB项目,威利学校也可以考虑。有中国留学生的家长告诉我孩子在该校成绩在前 6%,毕业保送UT-Austin,选了一个计算机专业。
至于有议员提议禁德州公立大学招收中国留学生一事,反对声也很多,几乎不大可能通过。"According to the San Antonio Express News, the bill has “little chance” of advancing in the current session."