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FS用户 通过 网站 提问于2023-03-11 05:28:05
托福成绩:- SSAT成绩:- 当前年级:9 申请年级:9 面试:-
  • 官方回答
    Nathan Wright Director
    Hi, we would love to have you consider Cheshire Academy. Send me an email - nathan.wright@cheshireacademy.org - and we would be happy to connect you with a current parent, student, or alumnus who can speak to you with passion about their experience at Cheshire. We're happy to connect you with native speakers in either English or Mandarin, depending on which perspective you're looking for. Congratulations, and best of luck with your choices! -Nathan Wright, Director
  • 回答于03/11/2023
    建议你们在这二所学校只选一所。这二所学校还是不太一样:课程不一样,Cheshire IB 为主,Grier AP. 地理位置不一样,Cheshire 在小镇上,Grier 在比较村的地方;Grier 是女校。建议这段时间从个方面多了解学校,也可以请招生办安排和在读学生和家长沟通,了解他们的体验,再做决定。
  • 7edu-Dr. Jing 中级顾问
    喜欢女子学校的话选格里尔中学 (The Grier School) --PA,它提供不少适合女孩子成长的课外活动,比如舞蹈。曾经辅导过一位该校的学生,是舞蹈队的,后来去了南加大读体育艺术方面的管理;更看重学业发展则选柴郡中学 (Cheshire Academy) --CT,它的IB项目对申请大学还是加分的。

