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FS用户 通过 网站 提问于2022-12-19 11:11:08
  • 最佳回答

    尽管Harker不提供ESL课程,但是学校是提供夏校的相关课程-robust English Languange Institute,学校是有相关的说明的:While Harker does not offer ESL curriculum during the regular school year, we do offer a robust English Language Institute in the summer.

    关于是否招收国际生,Harker是肯定招收国际生的哈,不过就是招收和你是否能被录取是两回事,因为学校对于国际生的说明和要求,也是有明确说明的:International students applying to The Harker School must meet the same admission standards as domestic students, and successfully complete all stages of the highly selective admission process. We do not have a separate pool for international applicants. Harker has a very rigorous academic program, and all students must be fluent in reading, writing and speaking English. Unless students have been attending schools where the courses are taught in English, it is unlikely that they would qualify.



    希望以上解答能够对你有所帮助,祝顺利!Good Luck!
  • 庄稼把式 中级顾问
  • 7edu-Dr. Jing 中级顾问
    好的学校提供ESL的好象极少极少。Harker 招国际生,但不多,而且要求父母至少一方陪伴。这是从学校网站上看到的:“If an international student is accepted and enrolls, Harker will issue an I-20 after full tuition is received in mid-June.”
  • 回答于12/20/2022

    Harker 一直是招国际生的,学校是否招国际生和是否提供ESL 课程没有关系,一般 Top 的学校都不会有 ESL课程。
    这是学校官网上关于 国际生的内容,供参考:

    We welcome international applicants who are fluent in English and prepared to fully engage in our program. Applicants who are attending a school outside of the United States and/or require the I-20 are considered as “international applicants.”

    At Harker we work directly with applying families and do not work with educational consultants or agents. International families must apply directly to our school and communicate with the admission directors.
    We do not offer an ESL program, boarding or arrange home-stays. It is expected that lower and middle school students reside in the Bay Area with a parent. We prefer that upper school students live with a parent.
    We do not have a separate pool for international applicants. International students applying to The Harker School must meet the same admission standards as domestic students, and successfully complete all stages of the highly selective admission process.
    Unless students have been attending a school where all their courses are taught in English, it is unlikely that they will qualify.
    We do not accept the TOEFL.
    If an international student is accepted and enrolls, Harker will issue an I-20 after full tuition is received in mid-June.
    While Harker does not offer ESL curriculum during the regular school year, we do offer a robust English Language Institute (ELI) in the summer. For more information visit https://www.harker.org/summer#bookmark-eli or contact ELI@harker.org.

  • 回答于12/23/2022
  • 回答于12/29/2022
