不知道你说的是不是这所学校,St. Paul Academy - Summit。这所学校当地还是不错的。另外,高二去美国其实不算是特别好的选择,因为涉及到本科申请的事情了,这个才是你接下来,除了GPA以外的重中之重。至于学费20万之内的,你可以试试一些走读学校,应该还是有的,关于12年级申请别的学校,我觉得,其实12年级读什么学校意义已经不是特别大了,可能作用就是能拿到毕业证,对于本科申请来说没有特别大的作用了。
我们建议您从现在的学校顺利毕业。如果需要美国课堂学习经验,建议你在毕业之后留出一年时间好好利用,努力提高你的GPA成绩,参加在一些美国寄宿学校开设的研究生课程。或是考虑大学的入学申请。 -
Yes, there are schools where tuition is lower than 200,000 rmb. However, I do not recommend you to transfer from the current international school to another school as 12th grade. There are few reasons why. First, if your goal is to apply to US university, your senior transcript will not be reflected in the process of application (for some cases, you need to submit the first semester report card). If you plan to improve your GPA at the new school while thinking that would be beneficial to you, I would say there is very slim chance to do that. Second, not so many US schools, especially good schools, would like to receive students as seniors except some extraordinary cases. Receiving students as senior means that after one year, the school need to grand high
school diploma, and I doubt that US schools particularly like this idea.
I suggest that you would plan to graduate from the current school with a plan to apply US university. If you need American school experience, then you might want consider PG (post graduate program at top boarding schools). Some of American students use this program as well. You can improve your GPA and this year would be considered as a gap year which is often positively viewed by colleges. Or you might want to focus on university preparation at this time for selective US university while you are completing your study at the current school