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问一下老师们,Cheshire Aacademy和Indian Springs School,两个学校哪个好,升学和国际生管理,谢谢。

小鲫鱼 通过 iPhone应用 提问于2022-03-12 21:47:36
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  • 官方回答
    Nathan Wright Director

    As others have commented, both are excellent choices. Cheshire Academy is an great school, in a great environment, with caring adults who will treat your children like their own. I would love to connect you with a current parent from China who could explain to you why they chose our school and what it has meant for their child. Please let me know via email, if you wish for me to do so.

    Cheshire Academy is one of the oldest boarding schools in the US. We have been welcoming international students for nearly 200 years and prepared them for lives of meaning. Our curricula currently follows the IB curricula which emphasizes critical thinking, discovery, and understanding - while deemphasizing memorization. We have an extremely impressive university outcome list for all students, including those from China.

    In terms of extracurricular activities, we have full athletics, theater, and arts programs that are compulsory. We also have a very competitive math team (#1 in CT, #4 in New England prep schools), a Science Olympiad team, and this year began a robotics club. We have literary journals, a model UN group, and many ways for your child to get involved.

    Next, our location is ideal. With four full seasons, students can enjoy their time outdoors, while also learning to ski or snowboard in the winter. Located in the heart of New England (2 hours from Boston, 2 hours from New York, 30 minutes from Yale), Cheshire is a small but safe town with local cafes and a small shopping area within walking distance. On weekends, this allows our students independence and freedom.

    Lastly, our student body is a great mix of students from all over the world. About 120 of our students are local day students, all of whom live within about a 45 minute radius. About 120 of our students are American boarding students from CT, MA, NY, PA - but also from as far away as CA, TX, IN, or FL. The remaining students come from about 30 different countries in any given year with about 50 students from mainland china.

    Please let me know if you would like to speak with a current parent,
    Nathan Wright

    Cheshire Academy
  • 回答于03/22/2022
    我有学生今年也是收到这两所的offer,还是建议选择Indian Springs School,Cheshire的中国学生有点多,申请美本时竞争会很激烈。
  • 回答于03/14/2022
    从学术和大学走向来看,建议 Indian Springs. Cheshire 中国学生比较多,有的家庭把这个看为正面因素,也有家庭把这个看为负面因素。
  • 回答于03/14/2022
    虽说Indian Springs不如前几年那么强劲,但大学升学方面还是很不错,国际生管理也还行;前者比不上后者,而且国际生太多了,有点儿超出正常比例。
  • 回答于03/13/2022
    推荐ISS,学术压力不太大,中国孩子稍努力能名列前茅,而且学校比较关注中国学生。学校特色课程多——英文:视觉修辞、现当代非裔美国声音;历史:世界、欧洲、美国、企业家能力;历史:外语有中文课;科学:恒星天文学、机器人、计算机编程;艺术: 爵士历史、表演、绘画、数字摄影。俱乐部选择多,AP课程开设多。还有Maker Space—— 灵活的、个性化的学习环境,老师采用项目式学习方法将学科串联起来,重点在工程、机器人、3D图形设计和印刷、编程、木工、金属加工、园艺、烹饪艺术等
