托福成绩:- | SSAT成绩:- | 当前年级:8 | 申请年级:9 | 面试:- |
您好:从学术上建议从Sierra canyon school和the fountain valley school中进行选择。Sierra canyon的地理位置好,费用比较高8万多,虽然是走读学校,但是学校有自己的宿舍,学生可以住在宿舍里。学校对国际学生的关注度比较高,学校的篮球比较突出,很多电影明星和体育明星的子女就读,特色课程是建筑学、计算机代码、工程学等。留美网就读的学生反馈还不错。
Fountain valley school这所学校地理位置不占优势,但是性价比比较高,学术、学生毕业走向也是非常不错的。特色项目是Global Scholar program、马术,艺术也是不错的。 -
Each of the schools will offer college preparatory academics and small class sizes that allow teachers to get to know a students strengths and challenges on an individual basis. Between these schools, I think location and overall mission and philosophy will be the biggest difference.
Midland School has a total of 85 students, with an average of 22 per grade level. Our mission strives to teach the value of a lifetime of learning through both study and work. Each of our students have a daily job with a strong focus on face-to-face communication, which is seen in our technology policies and jobs program - completely run by 12th grade students. Our scale and the jobs program allows us to ensure that every student is known and every student knowns they are valued and needed within our community. Our 2,860-acre campus (17 361.01 Chinese mǔ) offers the opportunity for our students to dive deep into our place-based and experiential academics. Bringing subjects like Science to life. Please feel free to reach out with any questions admissions@midland-school.org
校园大使: Jin Zhang
微信: JinZhang2077098005