完成学生面试的部分后,面试官一般会邀请家长参与,大部分时间会用来回答家长的问题,所以家长在孩子参加学校面试前提前准备一些想要问学校的问题。有些面试官也会看情况问家长几个问题,主要了解家庭的教育理念及家长对孩子的期望。这也是一个好的机会表现给学校知道您们作为家长对于孩子升学的 Support 哦! -
For the 2022-23 application season, we will offer on-campus or vitual interviews with all prospective students, including international students.
To schedule your on-campus or virtual visit, please call 860-868-7334 or e-mail us at admissions@frederickgunn.org. The virtual visit includes an interactive virtual tour led by a student tour guide, followed by an interview with the prospective student and a conversation with parents led by an admissions officer. If you would like to be connected with a specific faculty member or coach, please let us know so we can make this connection for you. This personalized virtual visit is expected to last approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.