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FS2021 通过 iPhone应用 提问于2021-01-24 09:01:00
  • 回答于01/28/2021
  • 回答于01/26/2021
  • Victoria周老师 中级顾问
  • 回答于01/26/2021
  • 回答于01/26/2021
    the bathrooms at Milton are fine. there are usually two bathrooms per floor and usually two toilets and 2-3 showers and 2 sinks, and if your in the new dorm there is also a bathtub, but people don't usually use them. also the bathrooms are really clean because someone comes in and cleans them everyday. however some of the older dorms look kind of gross, but there still clean.

    Big variety here at Exeter, but as dorms are renovated they're brought to a general sort of standard for students / bathroom and fixtures and everything. I don't like the renovations all that much sometimes because the dorms lose some of the nice old things they had (like good moulding... oh god) and get a more homogenized feel across campus. That being said, the bathrooms don't vary all that much, they've been fixed up across campus more or less uniformly. This year, as a senior, I have my own bathroom! all to myself, with a shower. My dorm was renovated 3 years ago to the new-renovated-ness and I think that ours is the only one of those newly renovated to feature individual bathrooms. I don't favor them from a societal, community, cultural standpoint, but as one of something like 3 people on campus with their own bathroom, I'm not complaining. It makes up for tiny rooms (Peabody is very old, very central on campus--very small. Renovations were not very efficient with space, either...)

  • 回答于01/26/2021

    美高没有独立卫生间,寄宿条件都不会太差,这个看您的要求是什么? 历史越悠久的学校,宿舍可能相对会小一些。 如果你参观了美国的几所藤校,再看看美国的州立大学,你可能会对藤校的宿舍条件感到失望。
