感谢您的指定专家询问,既然贵公子已经有绿卡,那么选择就宽多了。 他可以就读好的或顶尖的公立学校和私立走读学校或私立住宿制学校。然而公立学校自然会有住所学区的限制。私立学校和顶尖的私立学校,特别是像私立顶尖的住宿制学校,对于申请者的条件就会依学校的使命和特点有所不同的标准…
对任何国际学生而言,从现在开始申请高中到申请大学这是一条长远的教育之路,是真正需要一个严谨的、专业的管理计划规划。 我们很乐意并且期望能有机会为您与贵公子提供服务,和讨论各种可能的选项。
普来姆教育咨询Prime global consulting. 求学之道,与您同行 -
Thanks for the inquiry. Since your son has a green card, your son has some more options. He can go to one of good/better public schools or to private day schools or boarding schools. while public schools requires your residence where the school is located for entering school, private school, especially elite private school requires what the top boarding schools requires, although admission criteria might be different depending on the mission and character of the schools.
If your son is aiming one of top universities in us, I recommend for him to apply one of top private schools which has higher success rate of sending their graduates to go the top universities in USA. In order to get accepted to this type of school, your son needs good preparation and strategies for admission.
If your son goes by himself to a high school, options are limited. Your son should apply to boarding schools or to private elite day schools with good student management program or guardianship program that focuses on helping students succeed at schools.
From preparing to apply to high schools to applying universities/colleges will take a longer, yet serious management program with professional guidance, especially for international students. We are more than happy to hear more about your son and love to discuss various options with you. Please contact us. -
计划读优秀私立学校九年级现在就应申请了,也就是说到目前,申请学校的名单应已定好,已经或已有计划参观目标学校,所有的申请材料(包括考试)应已备齐。寒假以后再准备恐怕太迟了。 如果读公立学校则不必担心前这些问题。