在美高教书的老师看看这个。 公立高中和私立高中的区别
In a 2007 study, "Are Private High Schools Better Academically Than Public High Schools?" the Center on Education Policy (CEP) found that once key family background characteristics were considered, public high school students do as well as private school students. "When we controlled for other factors, family background was the biggest determinator of how a kid was going to do," says Diane Stark Rentner, Deputy Director of the CEP.
The report found that:
1. Private high school students scored no better on achievement tests in math, reading, science and history than their counterparts in public high schools.
2. Private high school students were no more likely to attend college than their public high school counterparts.
3. By age 26, young adults who had attended private school enjoyed no more job satisfaction than those who had attended public high schools and were no more likely to be engaged in civic activities.
The study did identify two exceptions: Kids who attend private school had higher SAT scores. According to the study, "independent private school students do not learn any more than other students as measured on achievement tests, but they do perform better on the SATs." CEP believes this "could mean that students in private schools tend to have higher IQs (aptitude tests are a better measure of IQ than achievement tests) or that private schools are better at honing students' test-taking skills (on which
SAT scores are somewhat dependent)." This, in turn, gave private school students an advantage getting into elite colleges.
Catholic schools run by holy orders did have some positive academic effects, such as slightly higher achievement levels in reading, math and history.
最佳回答7edu-Dr. Jing 中级顾问本人持有加州公立高中数学物理教师永久证书,在美国公立高中和私立高中教过十余年。这里我简单聊几句:我的观点是公立高中,私立高中各有利弊。
公立高中一个很大的优势是荣誉班的设置。荣誉班的学生是凭成绩进去的,成绩不好就掉下去了,所以学习风气比普通班要好,学的内容比普通班要深。从我辅导过的来自优秀公立高中学生(来自包括basis scottsdale high, pvp high, gunn high, troy high 这些全美和加州的名校)和优秀私立高中的学生(来自包括harker, milton, peddie, chase等名校)的AP微积分和AP物理来看,学习的深度和宽度几乎没有什么区别,公立学校的进度也许更快一些。私立学校如果规模不够大,一般不分班,加上分数的压力,相对少的学时,这是它的劣势。