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晴天。 通过 iPhone应用 提问于2019-03-18 21:37:17
托福成绩:- SSAT成绩:- 当前年级:- 申请年级:- 面试:-
  • 官方回答
    Lauren McDermott Admission Counselor
    马里安娜波莉兹中学提供严格的学术课程,包括很多荣誉课程、20门AP课程和多达100门选修课。学校的教学理念为从动手中学习。这从学校的L.E.A.P周和体验学习项目中可以得到体现 (https://www.marianapolis.org/academics/experiential-learning),可以提供学生学习掌握新技能和融入团队的机会,同时也可以有课外的经验。The Centers of Excellence是另一个学校为了达到这些目标而建立的项目。10年级学生可以选择三个项目 - 商业、企业家及公民融入、服务及创新。此项目(简称COE)旨在帮助学生更好的融入某些特定领域并且锻炼实践能力。每个项目都有独特的课程,学生可以参选3周受指导监督的实习,并在12年级完成顶点实践项目。完成项目的学生可以在标准毕业要求外获得一个专门的毕业证书。
    学校的升学指导办公室旨在帮助学生成功、提供更多的升学支持、帮助学生顺利走完大学申请。升学指导一对一帮助学生和家庭找到合适的大学,将大学、家庭、以及其他申请环节和资料连在一起,突出学生特点强项,充分解释学生的成就,提供尽可能多的资源和帮助。学校的毕业生走向优异,去到的大学例如:Brown University, Dartmouth College, John Hopkins University, University of St. Andrews, Georgetown University, University of Notre Dame, and University of Pennsylvania to name a few of the colleges/universities. 学校2015-208的资料可参见:https://issuu.com/marianapolis/docs/schoolprofile_2018
    原文:Thank you for your question.
    Marianapolis offers rigorous academics, including numerous honors classes, 20 AP courses and up to 100 electives. The academic philosophy of our school is embedded in learning by doing. This is evident in L.E.A.P. Week and the Experiential Learning Program (https://www.marianapolis.org/academics/experiential-learning) which provide students with an opportunity to cultivate and master new skills by engaging them in projects and experiences outside of the classroom. The Centers of Excellence is another Signature Program that embodies these goals. Sophomores have the option to enroll in one of three Centers- Business & Entrepreneurship, Civic Engagement & Service, and Innovation. The COE were created with the idea of giving students the opportunity to gain more practical experience while allowing them to become globally engaged in a specific focal area in addition to the traditional education model. Each of the Centers embarks on a unique course curriculum focused on that area of study. Students engage in a three-week supervised internship, and complete a senior capstone project, among other requirements. Individuals who have successfully completed the program, in addition to the standardized graduation requirements, will receive a specialized diploma at graduation.
    There are over 40 clubs and activities that students can choose from in order to be active participants in the school community. Within the Athletics Program there are 18 competitive sport options and 10 non-competitive options. Our website is a wonderful resource if you have any questions. As well, our Materials Page will provide digital versions of all of our pieces (https://www.marianapolis.org/admission/materials).
    The College Placement Office at Marianapolis seeks to provide each student with the advice, support and information necessary to clarify the college process. The office works individually with each student and their family to help them find the colleges that are best matched to their needs, personal desires, and academic merits. The College Placement Office serves as a link to the college admissions offices, and through their comprehensive letters of recommendation, highlight students’ strengths, explain their accomplishments at Marianapolis, and provide as much positive support as possible to enable the colleges to reach an informed decision about each applicant. By guiding students through the process, serving as a realistic resource about college options, and helping students to maximize their chances of admission, the College Placement Office serves as an advocate for students throughout the process. Marianapolis students have been accepted and matriculated to a variety of colleges and universities including Brown University, Dartmouth College, John Hopkins University, University of St. Andrews, Georgetown University, University of Notre Dame, and University of Pennsylvania to name a few of the colleges/universities.
    Our school profile provides a complete list of acceptances and matriculations from 2015-2018 on the last page (https://issuu.com/marianapolis/docs/schoolprofile_2018).
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