Thomas Jefferson School (TJ) is an internationally respected, coed day and boarding school for grades 7–12. Since 1946, TJ has been a greenhouse for true intellectual growth. The classical liberal arts curriculum emphasizes depth in a college preparatory core, and as a result, students’ SAT scores consistently position TJ among the world’s top boarding and day schools. TJ’s program emphasizes responsibility for oneself and for the community, and holds students to high expectations in every area of school life. College preparation is TJ’s specialty. Students receive an unparalleled academic foundation— by senior year, all subjects are studied at the AP level—and a daily schedule encourages the development of personal independence. All graduates move on to four-year colleges and universities across the nation and abroad, where they settle in with confidence and ease. -
有的 我的喜马拉雅有一期就是专门讲美高低龄的 你可以上我的喜马拉雅听一下
不过,初中的话你可以考虑一下美国的junior boarding,这样是跟孩子比较匹配的,可选择的学校也会多一些,可能您想一步到位,初高中一起了,但是美国的中学,大多数都是从9年级开始的
1)Noble and Greenough School
2)Cranbrook Schools
因为初中寄宿的学校少,留学生不一定要一步到位。在美国读了初中两年再申请高中,入读名校的机会要好不少。我现在辅导的读名校九年级学生中一半以上都是在美初中毕业后再申请高中的。 -
The Hockaday School虽然是K-12,但是寄宿生要8-12年级;
Cranbrook Schools 招收K-12的学生;
Milton Academy有7年级但是只能申请走读,而且根据之前的申请经验,国际生的申请难度非常大。