最佳回答BrothersEdu创始人卢可老师 中级顾问需要好好考虑一下,首先11年级接受的学校比较少,第二就是门槛不低,我刚刚走访了美国50所TOP100的寄宿牛校,很多学校不用说11年级了,10年级都很少,比如Miss Portor,连10年级都不招的,还有westover,所以需要好好考虑,当然要是考虑走读学校的话可选的余地会大一些,但是要是有寄宿情节的话,补录阶段我可以拿到不少寄宿学校的名额,可以帮到孩子,但是现在需要开始好好准备了
If you are already in a school in the US, and if you are thinking about transferring at this point, then perhaps the top schools are too late since many of them have deadlines mid or end January. However, there are still a lot of schools that will take applications.