这是一所位于休斯顿的天主教女子教会学校。学业表现不错, 学校规模很好,师生比1:12在教会学校里比较算不错了,ap通过率近几年来都在95%左右。学校所在区环境一般(紧靠中国城),校门紧靠大马路,
It is good girls school in Texas. It has a high average SAT/ACT scores, and a low 10:1 student-teacher ratio. It received good reviews from students and parents. It offers 13 Honors (H) and 17 AP courses. In 2016, the matriculation rate to a 4-year colleges or universities is 97%. Students matriculated to colleges like University of Texas - Austin, Texas A&M University, Baylor University, St. Edward's University and Rice University.