家长,我觉得还是专业的人做专业的事儿,顾问就是吃这碗饭的,比如生病了可以自己检点草药也能好,但是为什么去医院呢,这不是为了直接 有效的尽快让病好起来嘛,当时自己也可以探索,但是是摸石头过河,美高的学校非常非常之多,顾问可以帮助您更有效的实现美高愿望,但是前提是一定要擦亮眼睛选靠谱的顾问,其实与其说选机构,但不如说是选顾问。
现在初一, 尽快准备托福ssat 考试, 明年这时候考好, 申请2018年9年级。 考试成绩出来,根据学校成绩, 标准化成绩以及其他实际情况, 选校申请
Take the SSAT and TOEFL first so that we can have more information to provide with you the best recommendations of schools. Many schools require SSAT as one of the basic application requirements. It also serves as a benchmark that the schools will compare your child’s score with the others.
Besides the test scores, the schools will also look at school grades, extracurricular activities, teacher recommendation, interview and essays. -
好好给孩子规划一下,尤其是申请美高,因为竞争非常激烈,有一个好的时间轴来指导就会事半功倍,比如细化到summer school的选择上,孩子的短板是什么,总体来说就是IQ、EQ和AQ方面的准备,三者缺一不可。