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The school no longer provide AP courses since the fall of 2014. According to the school, they have moved beyond the College Board AP to make room for advanced-level courses that are equally, if not more, academically challenging. Students and teachers have the freedom to delve more deeply into subject matter without the time and curricular constraints of APs.
Ace Academy Debbie Hung 老師 通过 网站 回答于2016-10-27 09:08:08 | 最佳回答
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毫无疑问,The Ethel Walker School要好一些!
【丽格教育】波士顿Lily老师 通过 网站 回答于2016-03-15 05:15:13 |
选Offer 有音乐方面特长,玩各种乐器,写歌;4年级去美国印第安纳波利斯公立小学留学一年。 ( 6个offer )
FS用户 通过网站提问于2016-03-11 21:09:38
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Foxcroft Academy肯定垫底啦,近两年招收中国学生很多,录取几乎没有要求。
AL美联留学Chris高老师 通过 网站 回答于2016-03-10 14:50:50 |
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