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iBridge Education 慧桥国际教育 纽约Julia老师 通过 网站 回答于2024-05-08 03:20:17 | 最佳回答
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您好,Cate这所学校,官网上是不要求SSAT或者ISEE成绩的,对于语言的要求TOEFL:105+,Duolingo:125+或者IELTS:7.5+; 这所学校招生人数非常少,申请难度是非常大的,建议在选择一些其他院校进行申请,顶尖寄宿学校,一般建议是8-10所院校。
Astar美国留学高老师 通过 网站 回答于2023-11-28 09:20:09 | 最佳回答
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总的来看你申请的学校还是合理的。 AMC12前百分之1, 数学九年级修了precalculus, 说明你的数学基础还是相当不错的。英语可能还是相对弱一些,托福和SSAT成绩均无优势。 足球好,应该看一看足球强校,这样申请的机会会好一些。今天,我班上就有一位学生因为足球踢得好,被MIT录取的。加油!
7edu-Dr. Jing 通过 网站 回答于2023-06-23 08:21:34 | 最佳回答
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deterrent@yahoo.com 通过 网站 回答于2023-03-14 12:14:41 |
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iBridge Education 慧桥国际教育 纽约Julia老师 通过 网站 回答于2023-04-06 00:16:37 |
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别犹豫,该提交。 第一,单说SSAT成绩,2310分还是不错的,申请这些学校——即便”顶级“,也并非非得满分才行。你在后续的面试、文书环境,以及你的课外活动都能充分展示、并补充这个。因此,不必投鼠忌器。 第二,许多顶级美高,明确要去SSAT。我逐家统计过,FS的T30、A+级美高,约20%必须要SSAT或ISEE。没有——是不给申请的。 第三,即便有的说test optional,也别会错意、信以为真。只是他们真实的意思依然是——”严重推荐“,strongly recommended 或 encouraged。因此,千万别被表象迷惑,真就TEST OPTIONAL啦(过几天我会给出一家家美高的仔细分析,看看到底这optional是真的否)。 第四,今年申请,美国已经大致正常。绝大多数人都有,你为什么没有? 以下,是顶尖美高格罗顿中学招办的公开说明,望你认真阅读、仔细揣摩、深刻领会(链接:https://www.groton.org/admission/how-to-apply): Groton School requires applicants to submit standardized test results. For entry in 2021 and 2022, this requirement was suspended because of health concerns at testing sites. Standardized test results are one of many factors that help admission offices determine whether or not a school is a good fit for an applicant. Transcripts, recommendations, test results, and the Candidate Statement are all important in assessing an application. Without test results, great applicants may be overlooked. When admission counselors are unfamiliar with an applicant's school, test results help to contextualize an application. Testing helps us fulfill one of our primary objectives: enrolling a diverse and talented student body. Some see standardized testing as a barrier preventing access to a great education. We see testing as a means to overcome barriers such as incomplete recommendations and grade inflation. Standardized testing helps applicants from many different backgrounds become students at Groton School. Through the years, the majority of admitted applicants have submitted test scores that are quite strong, but this is certainly not true for everyone. Test scores are evaluated with consideration of each applicant's educational background. They are only one of many factors considered in an application to Groton.
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Elite精英留学 | Agnes老师 通过 网站 回答于2023-01-31 11:05:41 |