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【丽格教育】波士顿Lily老师4 / 5
1. 这所学校是美国高中里少有的几所开设EarlyDecision的中学,即早申请早入学,而ED是要签协议的。 学生人数不到300人,有五分之四的学生寄宿。师生比例为1比4, 73%的教师持有本科以上学历。为了全方位地照顾学生, 80%的教师住在学校(包括校长),基本每栋宿舍楼都会安排老师。 近五年学生的毕业去向总体很不错,不乏有常青藤名校。
有帮助(23) 无帮助(0) 2015-02-02
2. 学校的课程设置旨在培养学生的批判性思维,严谨的治学态度和不怕吃苦的学习作风,适合勇于挑战自己和刻苦勤奋的学生。大的版块有人文类(英语,历史,艺术史,音乐),数学,科学和外语;每个版块下都设有Honor和AP级别的课程。学生们要兼有合作和独立学习的精神;在十二年级时,学生被鼓励完成独创性的论文写作并作演讲。
3. 除了常规课程,学校还设有特色项目,譬如莎士比亚诗文朗诵。
4. 九年级新生入学时会参加为期三天的露营介绍会,还会有机会和老师们一起体验Rockmont Day,即运动游园会。谈及运动,阿什维尔有太多可说的。学校共有21个校际运动项目,每年会和Christ School比橄榄球。女子运动日则让女学生大放异彩,包括排球,网球,越野和路上曲棍球运动。阿什维尔还有特色的登山和攀岩,滑雪,冰上爬山,独木舟,自行车骑行和骑马等。学生参与运动的比例约为75%,会有专人根据学生水平来教导运动技巧。
更多访谈介绍,请看:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6f1514940102vcsb.html -
匿名用户5 / 5
有帮助(26) 无帮助(0) 2014-10-30
总之,是个美丽、宁静适合学习的好地方。你还需要什么呢?当然,入学的门槛并不低,前面说了,学校控制中国学生的比例。学校挑学生,除了成绩就是希望你有特色,比如学校就录取了一名游泳达到专业运动员水准的中国学生。 -
嘎嘎NINO4 / 5
I’ve been in Asheville School for 1 year. Besides the gorgeous environment, which is famous among all the high school, Asheville School has a strong cohesion that bring all the people into one group, both international students and Americans. The International students wouldn’t just play around by themselves, and so would not the locals. Senior in Asheville School is one of the best classes I’ve ever met. Friendly, joyful, helpful, hard working and leading are their tags. Most of them didn’t start their freshman here in Asheville; instead, the transfer students have a high percent, but all of them could be the representatives of Asheville School. They work as a group and bring all the great festivals to us. They are the paragon for all the under classes. Most teachers have their own houses in Asheville School’s area. Usually during weekend, they would hold some party for the students, or bring them out to the restaurant, and the school pay the bill. Asheville School is a boarding school and therefore most students need to stay on campus during weekend. But the great events always make our weekends great and fantastic.
有帮助(29) 无帮助(0) 2013-07-09
The courses in Asheville School, seriously, are tough, and might even be tougher than those of the higher-ranking school. All the teachers in Asheville School put classes and grade into great consideration. For the lazy students, they are evil, but for the good pupils, they are angles that help you at anytime and encourage you to study broader than the text says. However, I could say all the students in Asheville School work hard, because they understand that study is your own thing; no one could replace you on your own study.
Asheville School is convenient. Even though Asheville is a little town, it has everything you need. The school works with the taxi company to make a discount for the students. Go across the street (ATS), we have Ingles, Yao Buffet Restaurant, ihop, Apple bees, pizza huts and etc. And a 10-minute drive could bring you and your friends to downtown Asheville, where includes artistry, food, and tourist attraction. It is really easy-life to live in Asheville.
People here love Asheville School. Go blues. -
FS用户4 / 5
大家好,我是Asheville School的一名12年级学生。我从9年级起在本校入读,今年已是第四个年头。Asheville School对学生要求严格,无论是纪律还是学术。平日里学生被要求要穿正装,男生是西装,女生是及膝裙。每日功课都很多,压力也很大,每隔一周的周六都要上课。我们学校规模较小,只有不到300个学生,老师基本能随时提供帮助,他们都非常热心,能和学生打成一片,若有任何需要帮助的地方他们都乐意为你效劳。我们学校最大的特点是强调集体概念,每周要去三次教堂,周日也要去,因为学校希望能够通过团体的聚集来增加学生彼此之间的交流和认知。还有一个特点是平日的午饭都是圆桌餐,每桌都有一位老师以及被分配到此桌的几个学生,实行分餐制。而每隔两周会换桌子,为学生提供机会认识更多的人。周末时学校会安排各种活动,基本上是免费的,学生可以报名参加。我们学校有三栋不同的宿舍楼,一栋男生宿舍,一栋女生宿舍,还有一栋是第一层住男生,上面两层住女生。夏天宿舍没有冷气,而冬天却有足够的暖气,一年四季都提供热水。学校规定男女学生不能蹿宿舍到对方楼层,但每栋宿舍楼都有一个common room,男女学生能够在那里聊天。Asheville坐落于北卡西部,是一个小城市,有自己的市中心。双休日可以打电话订出租车去市中心餐馆就餐,购物,城里的设施基本很齐全。北卡的风景非常美,学校有时会提供登山或者滑雪的机会,鼓励学生踊跃报名参加。
有帮助(41) 无帮助(0) 2013-02-10 -
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